General Biochemistry course




For a good learning of General Biochemistry course, it is important to have easy access to the best General Biochemistry course at any time. This free application is a dynamic library powered by the best English educational websites specialized in General Biochemistry course.Courses on the following topics are obviously present in our application.General Biochemistry course Documents -General Biochemistry course - Introduction to molecular structure of water -Water is a polar molecule - Solvent properties of water - Ionization of water, acids and bases - Buffer selection, Henderson-Hasselbalk equation - Amino acids and peptides -The building blocks of proteins - Physiological interest of amino acids - Amino acids and proteins as acids and bases/ solving problems - Protein structure - Protein sequencing - Protein purifications - Analytical methods and techniques - Enzyme kinetics - Enzyme inhibition - Carbohydrates -Aldoses, ketoses, formation of hemiacetals - Disaccharides, homopolysaccharides, heteroploysaccharides - Glycolysis - Gluconeogenesis, pentose phosphate pathway - Aerobic metabolism - Oxidative phosphortlation - Antioxidant systems - lipids -Fatty acids, triglycerides, neutral fats - Phospholipids and cell membrane - Sterols - Lipid metabolism - Health effect of lipids - Nucleic acids -DNA and RNA structures - Gene expression - Polymerses - General features of metabolism -Structure and types of metabolic pathways - Principles and types of metabolic regulation - Citric acid cycle, the respiratory chain and phosphorylative oxidation -Role un cell metabolism - Cycle description. Anapletoric rections - Structure of the respiratory chain and energetics of electronic transport - Oxidative phosphorylation. Structure of ATP synthase - Control of electronic transport and oxidative phosphorylation - Carbohydrate metabolism -Glycolysis. Metabolic basis of Pasteur and Warburg effects - Transformations of pyruvate: fermentations and oxidative decarboxilation - Pentose phosphate pathway - Neoglucogenesis - Synthesis and degradation of glycogen - Lipid metabolism -Plasmatic lipoproteins - Fatty acid degradation - Fatty acid synthesis - Isoprenoid metabolism - Metabolism of membrane lipids and icosanoids - Aminoacid metabolism -Degradation of the amino group - Degradation of de carbon backbone - Biosynthesis of amino acids - Metabolism of nucleotides -Degradation of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides - Recycling an biosynthesis of purines and pyrimidines - PDF files -General Biochemistry course - Carbohydrate metabolism - Videos -Cell Fractionation - Quantification of Oxidative Damage - Lipid Metabolism - Metabolism of Nitrogenated Biomolecules - Metabolism and biological oxidations - Carbohydrate metabolism - Lipid Metabolism - Metabolism of nitrogenous biomolecules